Sunday, December 30, 2012

Are our eyes opened now?

Hello all, I hope everyone had a good Christmas and Happy Holidays, I sure did.

In the wake of the tragedy in West Webster, NY on Christmas Eve, I have been doing some thinking and Situational Awareness/Prepardness in my mind. There have been a lot of blog posts about this subject, but I'm going to give my thoughts on it as well.

What have we learned from this tragedy the killed 2 of our fellow brothers and wounded 2 more? I'm not going to go in to the gun control debate here, but there are some things i think do need fixed.

Have you been more aware of your surroundings since then? You know, sometimes there are just no warning signs something like this is getting ready to happen. For those of you with an EMT or Paramedic certification, we always say in our practical sessions....."scene safe, BSI or PPE." But sometimes it's not always that easy to see or point out.

Today was my first shift back to work since Christmas Eve and we ran a 84 year old female cardiac arrest at 0817 hrs. Even though I had ran a million thoughts through my head about being more alert about my surroundings, I did what I have always done on these types of calls. I got out of the engine and went straight into the house never giving it a second thought.

After I got back to the firehouse, it was all racing through my mind again. What if, what if, what if..... I never want to put me or the guys on my shift in a situation where we come back and say "we got lucky...what if?"

From here on out I hope we (the fire service as a whole) can more attentive and alert and learn from what happened in NY. God Bless our 2 fallen brothers, may you Rest In Peace.

Hope everyone has a safe and Happy New Year!

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